Business Development
Business Development

What we do​

Established in 2003 in Hong Kong, Akemis global consulting helps clients to address their critical challenges and become high-performance businesses. At Akemis we ensure that our clients get a competitive advantage and lasting results. Our service offer includes: Consulting, Project management, Solution Integration, Web developments, Lead Generation and Business Process Outsourcing.

Consulting, Project Management and Solution Integration.

Focuses on the industry of ERP (SAP, Oracle PeopleSoft), CRM (PeopleSoft CRM), Saas, BI. As ERP specialists, our experience goes beyond providing resources on your project. We also build teams, implement and manage projects. We find ad-hoc solutions for our customers and ensure their satisfaction in terms of cost and quality.

Web development, Lead Generation and BPO.

Our outsourcing center in the Philippines provides  website and applications developments, lead generation, web marketing and business process outsourcing.

Know us more

We are founded on principles that success can be measure through the financial growth of our clients. We want our clients to outperform their competitors in the market. We have a strong record of providing quality services on consulting, outsourcing and invoicing for our diverse clients. We are fully committed to provide high quality of work that ensures a high degree of accountability. We do not only provide a cheaper service but we find solutions for your very specific needs.

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